Conversation as Iteration: Using Human-Centered Design Every Day

When I started to think about what would eventually be Base Academy of Music there were a hundred ideas of how I wanted to teach music to kids in Kansas City. But it was a conversation with the mother of a student that really set the course for what BAM has become. She told me, “I can’t drive 20 miles to take my kids to music lessons, and even if I could, I can’t afford them when I get there.” I knew that whatever I wanted to do needed to serve her and other parents like her.

At its most basic level, human-centered design requires listening and taking conversations like this seriously. It’s the idea that the people I choose to serve should be allies, advisors, and co-designers from the conception to the evolution of BAM. Every aspect of BAM was designed to serve the needs of the students and parents in the program: the structure of the lessons, the location we operate, and our relationships with families and schools.

I learn about all these things through short interactions and long conversations with parents and students. Each time I talk with a parent or student is an opportunity to learn and improve BAM; and, recently, when I had another mom tell me, “my kids leave their lessons smiling. That’s why I love what you do,” I know we’re able to give her kids something special because we listened.

About Clint Velazquez
Clint Velazquez is a lifelong musician and has over 15 years experience as a music teacher. Clint holds a B.M. from Kansas State University in Music Theater and founded Base Academy of Music in 2013 as a way to fill a need in the Kansas City community and make music education affordable and accessible for urban families.

About Base Academy of Music
Base Academy of Music is non-profit music organization who makes starting to learn a musical instrument accessible and affordable for urban youth because we believe music education is a reason and means to succeed.