Logic Model
How it Works
A logic model maps out, in detail, every aspect of how users interact with your product and makes connections between those actions and intended outcomes. Additionally, a logic model should cite prior research literature to bolster any claims made about how the product will achieve those outcomes.
To create the logic model, we will work closely with your team to explore and document how your product is ideally used. We will then conduct a literature review to connect usage of the product to intended short-, middle-, and long-term outcomes.
Guiding Research Questions
Who are the target users?
What are typical user profiles?
How should users interact with each feature of the product?
What are the product’s learning outcomes? How are they aligned with learning standards?
What changes in behavior should result from using the product?
What does current research say about desired learning outcomes of your product and how they are obtained?
Duration - 6-8 Weeks
Sample Size - NA
ESSA IV Certification (when paired with a plan for further research)
Create testable hypotheses
Create a product grounded in evidence
Who it’s for
Companies without a logic model.
Companies with an outdated logic model.
Companies that wish to apply for SBIR grants from the Department of Education
Product Roadmap
Working Prototype