1. It took too much time for teachers to figure out how to use and navigate everything. 
    Since time efficiency was the goal of the teachers, the more they had to figure things out for themselves along the way without explicit instructions, the more likely they were to just quit using it.

    • “I gave up trying to get everything [time table, lesson plan, and classes] to sync the way I wanted.”

    • “It feels as though Pango is trying to do too much all at once. They should go back in and focus on making 1 thing great.”

  2. There is “too much happening” when navigating on the lesson plan template page. 
    The Resource bar was distracting, because it kept popping up over the template and, as a result, teachers couldn’t see what option/step on the template was next.

    • “The functionality is not clear and feels overwhelming.”

  3. There were too many different locations with different formats to find past lesson plans.
    There is no obvious place to go and find past lesson plans from the home screen when logging back into Pango after time away. Once a teacher is in the Planner tab, there is a hidden side bar that lays out the units and corresponding lessons in an easy to see way, but the bar is hidden and almost no teachers thought to click on the button that reveals the side bar as it doesn’t have a header/description saying what the button is. 

    Right beside that button is a drop down menu option “My Classes” which has essentially the same information but users must click into classes and then units before seeing lessons, and many teachers didn’t think to look for lesson plans there and thought it would just be a list of their “classes” not “lessons.” 

    Teachers preferred the layout of the sidebar feature for seeing and returning to past lesson plans but didn’t notice it.

    • “It took lots of trial and error to figure out where to locate my past lesson plans.”

    • “Where do I find the lesson plan I created yesterday?!”

    • “I created lesson plans, but when I went back in to view them they were gone.”