Add more options to the planner that would allow teachers to adjust it to fit their unique schedules, including adding or deleting periods. Since virtual schools often do not have fixed blocks of time, removing set time blocks as “periods” will better support their non-traditional structures.
“Make it possible to add a planning period, free period, or 8th period.”
Add more guides or tips to this section to understand how it integrates with the planner and resources. In particular, have the setting button more prominent, as no teacher noticed it and didn’t realize they could add/remove periods already.
“Add some sort of descriptor about the Time Table, how it relates to the planner feature, and how teachers might use them within Pango.
Add a “duplicate lesson” option to help teachers copy a lesson across days, since some teachers using Pango will have multiple classes and grades on slightly different schedules. This will be particularly important at schools that use block scheduling.
“I wish there was a feature that would have allowed me to copy lessons from day to day (i.e. reusing Monday’s lesson on Tuesday).”